All Melon users have access to a dashboard that shows them relevant information about their splits and payments history. For a creator, accepting a split and getting started is quick and easy.
When you create a split, you have the option to automatically send (from Melon) the creator an email invite. Whether you opt for Melon to send the invite email on your behalf or you choose to send it to them yourself, the process to accept the split is the same.
Creator onboarding
There are two scenarios for creators being invited to a split on Melon.
They are not already a Melon user
They are already a Melon user from a previous split
Creator is not a Melon user
If the creator does not have a Melon account, they have to go through a quick and simple onboarding flow. Once they click the link in the invite email, all we need is the following:
Email address: the creator can use the same email address you invited them with or they can switch it to another
First + Last name
Melon Display Name
Country: Melon can currently only natively support creators in the US and Canada.
Once this info is updated, the creator links their bank account with Plaid and the split is activated. The creator can check on their splits at any time by logging into the Melon dashboard.
Creator is already a Melon user
For creators who are already in the system, all they need to do is accept the split. As long as their previous split is canceled and the creator’s bank is still linked, the new split will be active and automatically begin at the defined start date.
If the creator’s previous split is still active, you will receive an error notification when attempting to create the split. If their previous split is canceled, the split will remain in a Pending stage until the creator accepts the invite.